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The Small Town Boy's Secret Romance

The Small Town Boy's Secret Romance

by Jessie Gussman

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★★★★★ "Sometimes Christian fiction can be rather bland, skipping character development or not choosing challenging issues with which to deal. But Jessie is not the usual writer.” – Sara

Her family is the reason his brother went to prison.

Thad Truax is focused on getting the shop he owns with his brothers on the right side of the law and turning a profit, but he’s not against the idea of romance. So when he sees a beautiful woman along the river, he doesn’t hesitate to strike up a conversation that leads to friendship.

Unfortunately, by the time he realizes who she is, he’s already falling for her.

After the awful incident that split their town and ended up with Thad’s brother in prison, Justice Hopkins could never be seen in public with Thad Truax. But there’s another, even more explosive reason they can’t be together.

Still, they can’t keep pretending to be strangers during the day while stealing sweet kisses at night under the willow tree.

Can they bring their relationship out to their family and friends without it destroying them?

★★★★★ "Mystical; magical and tremendously emotional journey of two people who really cared for each other. How they intertwined throughout was captivating." - Judi

Main Tropes

  • Secret Romance
  • Opposites attract
  • Witty banter
  • Misunderstood
  • Small town fun
  • Heartwarming humor

Excerpt from The Small Town Boy's Secret Romance


Chapter 1


When Thad Truax wanted something, he wasn’t usually shy about going to get it.

So when he saw the slender woman with her arms steepled above her head, one leg bent with the foot resting above the knee of her other, the setting sun shining behind her hair making a halo around her head, and the river sparkling in the background, he didn’t hesitate.

He turned his hog around and idled it down into the parking lot for the Riverside Trail.

Peach Bottom wasn’t exactly a hotbed of crime, even though it wasn’t that far outside of Richmond, Virginia, so if he’d been wearing a helmet, he’d have hung it over his handlebars. As it was, he didn’t even pocket the key.

Thad swung a leg over and walked in his work boots, jeans, and T-shirt along the trail in the direction that he’d seen the woman, noting the three sedans in the parking lot, along with a canary yellow, low-riding sports car.

He did take a few seconds to admire the car. Who wouldn’t?

But he didn’t think about it too much. Because his focus was on the woman. He assumed it was a woman – not a girl. His family had long since learned a lesson about females and what age was way too young. Thad wouldn’t have any trouble turning around and walking away if this one looked like she was anywhere near high school.

When one’s brother spent three years in prison after getting caught with an underage girl, even though he hadn’t done anything wrong, it had a tendency to teach a man a lesson.

Thad wasn’t too worried about his work boots. So what if she knew he was walking down the trail just to see her? He didn’t have anything to hide.

Yeah, he was working pretty hard with his brothers to make their shop, the Richmond Rebels, a success. They were doing legitimate business rather than stripping exhausts, like they used to, and making motors run hot, mostly for street racing. Some to circumvent emission standards.

But they had the opportunity to get a contract that could change the direction of their shop. He wanted it just as much as his brothers. So, while they’d been completely legitimate for a while, they were working even harder to prove they could handle the extra work the contract would bring in.

So, yeah, he’d been working late almost every day. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have time for a little romance.

And there had been something about this girl. Thad snorted to himself. It might have been the sun and the halo. Although women weren’t angels. He knew that much anyway.

But he also knew he craved companionship. He’d been alone for a long time, never really sticking with one girl, not after Amber had died in high school.

He supposed, if he’d spent any time thinking about it, he would’ve said he wasn’t expecting this girl to be the one that he “stuck” with, but she definitely intrigued him, and he had time.

She was in a different stance when he came around the bend and she came into view posing on the big, flat rock that was just above the river. Local kids had used it as a hangout sometimes before the trail became popular.

The sun hadn’t set fully, and it was still pretty light out, although the couple people he passed were heading out, not coming in as he was.

Now that he was here, he wasn’t sure what to say. Of course, he never usually had too much trouble getting words to spill out of his mouth, but he didn’t want to seem like a stalker or some kind of weird, staring jerk. He didn’t want to stand there looking at her, even though now her pose had morphed to one foot on the ground along with one hand, with her other leg and arm in the air.

He supposed that should have looked ridiculous, but she looked graceful and somehow strong.

He was hard-pressed to keep walking, wanting instead to stop and gape. There was something about her that drew his eyes and stirred the inside of him.

He supposed it was born in every man to want to admire feminine beauty. And there was no doubt she was beautiful. Not that he could see her face, just the lines of her body. Still.

He kept walking. As much as he wanted to stop and say something, it was obvious she was deep in concentration and wasn’t paying attention. He didn’t want to interrupt. And he didn’t want to be a jerk.

He definitely wanted to talk to her, but he also didn’t believe in forcing the issue. She had to be from around Peach Bottom, and he’d almost bet that if he saw her face, he’d recognize her. Or at least she’d look familiar. Although she’d hardly run in the same circles as he did.

He walked to the one-mile mark before turning around, doubting that the girl would still be there when he passed by on his way back but hoping that she was.

Maybe tomorrow, he’d not work quite so late. And if he was going to be walking, maybe he’d wear the appropriate footwear.

He was still pretty far away when he saw that she was still there, but had apparently finished her exercises, and was sitting on top of the rock with her legs hanging down, facing the river.

There were a hundred things he wanted to say to her, but for some reason, he didn’t want to use any of his normal lines. So as he got closer, before he went behind her on the trail, he determined that he wouldn’t say anything.

However, she must have heard his footsteps on the gravel, because her head turned just slightly, and she looked at him.

A small shock went through him as their eyes met. Her dark brows rose over intelligent blue eyes, as though she felt it too.

The sun had sunk behind the mountains, and the world had gone from glowing orange to fading gray.

It seemed like it was pretty late for a woman to be out alone. And he was a little worried about her. But she wasn’t any of his concern, and he had enough experience with women that he knew the stranger probably wouldn’t appreciate his suggestion that she might not be safe out here by herself.

He planned to keep walking, except he heard a growl.

His footsteps slowed. He didn’t think he imagined it, but he listened closely to see if he heard it again.

He didn’t hear the growl again, but he saw a shadow in the bushes move.

He stopped.

If the woman hadn’t been there, he would have continued on. Whatever wild animal that was was probably more afraid of him than he was of it. But he didn’t want to have a headline pop up on his phone tomorrow about a woman who’d been mauled to death down by the river by a rabid coyote, or someone’s stray dog, or even a cougar, which were not supposed to be around these parts, although he had buddies who claimed they had pictures of them on trail cams.

No, he couldn’t have that on his conscience.

Not to mention he was looking for an excuse to talk to her. He grinned. He liked it when God gave him a little hand.

Thad searched the bushes where he’d seen the shadow move.

There. He saw it again. And just after he saw it, he heard the growl.

He could be wrong, but it sounded like a dog, and one that wasn’t too old. Not quite a full-on puppy growl, but it didn’t sound quite like a ferocious, full-grown dog, I’m-going-to-eat-you growl.

He could probably leave. The woman would be safe.

Honestly, at this point, his concern was more for the animal.

“Did you lose something?” Her voice was sultry and confident; it sounded like the way she moved, graceful and smooth.

He spoke without taking his eyes off the bush where he’d seen the movement. “No. I heard a growl, and I couldn’t keep walking without making sure you were going to be safe.”

“A growl?” Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her hands fist on her hips. “That’s the craziest pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

He snorted. He wanted to call her on her arrogance, but he had been racking his brain for a pickup line. A woman who looked like that was probably used to it.

His grandma, before she died, had told him it didn’t matter what a woman looked like and had encouraged him and his brothers to look for beauty that was deeper than the skin. He supposed it was a hard lesson for a man to learn. Or maybe he just didn’t want to. Not after Amber.

Surface beauty didn’t hit his heart.

“So, did it work?” He couldn’t keep the flirtatious grin off his face, even though he couldn’t really see her from that distance in the gathering dusk.

She snorted. “No.” He thought she rolled her eyes. “Growling? Really?”

Maybe it was the sound of her voice, but she’d no sooner finished speaking than the growl came again.

She cut off mid-laugh. “You were serious.”

He wasn’t sure if that was a little note of fear in her voice, but he had to admit to feeling a little nervous himself. Even though the animal didn’t sound that large, it could probably see better than he could in the dark. Not that he thought he was in any danger of being attacked. Not unless it had rabies.

“Yeah. I was. But it’s good to know that line doesn’t work. I need to think of a new one.”

“It couldn’t possibly be hard to come up with a better line than that.” She spoke to him, but her eyes were on the bushes where the sound was coming from.

The growl stopped and turned into a whine.

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